The Top Motivation Techniques Your Competition Doesn't Want You to Know
The motivation techniques I am going to reveal in this blog are some of my top secrets for success that your competition is keeping under wraps
Are you wondering why one person seems to have all the motivation in the world and you have, little to none?
As you start to read this article, you will find yourself becoming open to some new ideas. You will see yourself getting ready to supercharge your life and your career!
The more you read of my web site and the different articles I have written the more motivated you will get, it’s contagious and I definitely have it I put it in the web site and now you are going to catch it!
Motivating people is one of my natural gifts in life. I love to do it and people gravitate to me for that reason.
Ready to get motivated? Lets Rock This Place!
Motivation Techniques to Raise your Energy Level
Before you start your day, always do something that brings your energy level up and puts you in a good mood. For some people this can be inspiring music. For me I always have what I call my motivational music on when I am driving to any type of presentation.
I listen to songs that pump me up. Songs that say things like you are a winner, and go for the gold and you can do anything. By the time, I get out of the car I know I am winner and I for sure can do anything.
It is a known fact that music produces serotonin in your brain, which is the feel good endorphin. If music is not your thing then listen to motivational tapes. You can find some that make you feel like you are sitting on top of the world.
*Choose one or all these motivation techniques to get you going:
1. Listen to visualization Mp3 that guides you to opening your mind and creating your ideal life. Any type of mp3 to takes you through the process of seeing what you want to happen in your life.
2. Read about how someone else is successfully doing what you are temporarily having difficulty. Read one page every morning to get motivated and you know that it is possible. That is a surefire motivator that is easy to do.
3. Help someone else get motivated. Use your skills to show them how good life really is, motivating them with a pep talk. This way you will show yourself at the same time.
4. Join a Mastermind Group or Support Group when you are involved in a group where succeeding is the main goal you will get motivated every meeting.
5. Expect to be motivated and believe you will. Let people know that you feel really motivated about your career or life and that you cannot wait to start your next project or adventure.
Whatever you tell yourself all day long is what you will experience so carefully select the words you are telling yourself. If you are hard, on yourself that will de-motivate you and it is difficult to come back from that.
The way to deal with this is do not even go down that road at all. Learn to talk to yourself with love and respect and that goes hand in hand with loving yourself. If you need some help in that area I wrote an article How to develop true self esteem It is all about how to love yourself and become your own best friend. A must read if you think that may be the problem.
Motivation Techniques for Finding Your Career Purpose
One of the first things I do when I motivate other people is I get inspired first. This is easy if I am inspiring you on a subject that gets me fired up.
I want to point out that is one of the main motivational techniques. If you love what you are doing and you love what you're talking about your motivation around that will naturally soar.
As opposed to, trying something only because your friend is succeeding at it. Believe it or not if you do not feel the same way or better than about your successful friends career choice you will not get very far.
If you feel connected and excited about what you do for a living, you will be able to get other people to feel the same way. It does not matter if you do not know anyone who ever succeed at your passion it is your passion and if you’re into it... YOU WILL SUCCEED! That I know from experience.
*Follow these five motivation techniques for a happy and successful career:
1. Choose a profession that is your passion in life.
2. Be true to yourself when choosing a career.
3. If you're unhappy with your current career, something is wrong you want to take a look at the reasons why you are unhappy. Ask yourself if you would be happy in another profession or is your attitude the problem. You may need a shift in your perception and everything may end up working out.
4. Re-evaluate if this is the career or business for you. Write out a pros and cons list and if the cons outweigh the pros then it's time to move on.
5. Take a career evaluation test to determine what career would best suit you. After you have that down, the momentum will flow from there.
Motivation Techniques for Boosting Your Business
One of my secret motivation skills is for getting back the passion for you career.
An appreciation list of all the reasons you chose this career to begin with. You want to re-energize yourself by remembering what stood out in the first place about your product or service.
*Lists for Motivation Techniques that Increase Business
1. Make a top ten list of the benefits of your service or product.
2. Make a top five list of why someone would use your product over the competition.
3. Make a top five list of how you or your company goes the extra mile for your clients.
Once you're there and can remember what really gets you jazzed about your business the motivation comes naturally. It will be in your voice, people will sense it in your body language and energy. When I am motivated that energy and enthusiasm spreads like wildfire, it’s electric!
Everyone wants what I’m selling or offering. The reason is who wouldn't want to feel that great. If I'm energized it must be good. People can sense if what you're offering them is sincere. Just like, they can sense when someone only wants to sell them with no regard for your well-being and if you will benefit from the service or product.
Use the list you just made when talking to potential clients and when writing your sales copy. It is very important that people understand why they should do business with you and what makes you stand out from the crowd.
The best motivation technique I ever found is doing what you love and you will naturally be motivated.
Written By Dawn Abraham
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